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August 11, 2021

Character Animations & Trap Credits

Dante Cameron

The tile gaps in the grid squares brought about new issues. Once they were fixed, anything referencing their Default Scene Root was wildly out of place and broken. The traps, Ice spikes, and teleport abilities all needed refreshing in order to properly appear on the map. Because of this and other bugs, the build was not ready when we needed to test. I decided to show a few different people the game in the editor window in order to remove at least the most obvious of testing considerations.

The tentacle was always hard to predict for both the PC and VR player. The new system should dynamically block lanes and allow both players to be fully aware which zones are inaccessible as soon as the trap is used.


As the trap refresh system has become playable, the game became playable as well. When letting other people test out Tridentia, it became immediately clear that the PC player needed more longevity. With the speed at which the VR player can instance his traps, the PC player can run out of power-ups quickly. The solution was to give the power-up pots an extra feature. Now, when the pots are destroyed a small sundial will appear indicating that the pot is recharging. When the sundial does a full loop, the pot will reappear ready to be smashed and used by the PC player.


We've also been working on the tutorial level for both the PC player and the VR player. I have made a few new instances of blueprints and began incorporating new variables that make certain blueprints act differently depending on which level is loaded.

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Conner Witte

I have added the system that spawns / despawns a particle system to the altars and the hand at appropriate times. The goal is to show which way to stack the altar piece when they are knocked over and give some cohesion regarding which hand to pop the bubbles with. 


Additionally we were able to make a successful package after troubleshooting a bunch of errors. However, because of some blueprint that were work in progress at the time I packaged it, the game is not really playable, so we'll have to package it again later in the week.

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Maura Hayes

This weekend, I made a final decision on our music choices, and finalized the two base scores for our tutorial and main level. I also made a version of the score that gets faster and more intense, which will be triggered when the player activates the first shrine. The only thing I have left to do music-wise is the final stage, when the player has both shrines active and is headed for the portal. I will work on implementing each of these tracks, so that they're ready for our next build.

Art- Animation + UI
Katie Howarth, Shira Sterling

 The siren modeling has been finalized and we now have a first pass at the pointing animation. When placed, the siren trap will move to point in the direction of the Hero player. The modeling of the heart is in progress that will be used for the pop up lives available of the Hero player, who will have three lives. We have also been continuously polishing, as well as optimizing our assets for top game play performance.

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