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July 30, 2021

Character Animations & Trap Credits

arT - Siren model, particle reaction
Katie Howarth, Shira Sterling

Katie has been continuing to work on the Siren and the surrounding rocks. The modeling is complete, and currently working on UV'ing and properly texturing the mesh in Substance. The siren mesh will soon posed and animated. Has been experimenting with a bubble reaction particle for when the VR player pops the bubble for trap credits at the alters.


Tech - Trap credits + UI
Conner Witte, Maura Hayes

We are working on getting the credits for the traps to properly respawn traps to the hand. It works perfectly, as long as you use the left hand to do it. In addition to trying to get the bubble / hand situation working, we made the PC player be able to knock over the Altars more effectively and consistently. We worked on creating the necessary game mode and controller for our menu screens. Also, created a couple widgets, one for the start screen and one for the main menu, however, widgets cannot work for this project due to the VR element. We’ll be working on an alternative solution to UI.

Screen Shot 2021-08-02 at 2.16.14 AM.png

Character animation
Dante Cameron

We now have  a couple new animations for indication when the hero player both loses and regains input before and after death. 

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