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July 9, 2021

Trap Selection, UI Research, and Invisibility

Shira Sterling, Katie Howarth

We started to research and look for inspiration from other games’ UI. After discussing with the team and creating mood boards and different color palettes, we got started on making our UI designs. Elements from the game are very clean and simplistic, so we decided to go for vector styled UI designs. We got started on the start screen, death screen, win screen and splash screen.


Soon we'll want to cement exactly our UI flow as well as our interactable elements (what will need coding, buttons, sliders, features of settings menu etc)

Trap mechanics
Conner Witte

On the tech side, I’ve been working on redesigning the trap selection and placement mechanic for the VR player that will give the VR player a new way to get new traps and complete the gameplay loop. A lot of what’s being done is modifying existing blueprints to fit the new system that will be implemented. The new blueprint is in the works for the traps that will allow for more instancing and more unique traps in the future.

Screenshot _688_.png
Screenshot _686_.png
Screenshot _687_.png

I've also been working on setting up an array of pawn components that I can spawn / respawn, as well as making some more changes to the trap blueprints and the VR pawn

Audi0 + Tiles
Maura Hayes

I've been trying to sort out fixing the gaps in the grid squares to improve stability and trap interaction. Will continue to try to solve and debug this issue. I have also started to implement the audio into the various animations and blueprints, however there are some issues that need to be worked out before continuing. Since there is a VR player and a PC player, the sound is only outputting to the VR headset, and there's no way to choose which device sounds should go to, so we will have to do some research.

Invisibility Shader
Dante Cameron

The invisibility shader has been implemented on all parts of the hero character. Now, the material is completely invisible for the VR player when active, allowing the PC player to move undetected. Furthermore, the extremities, (trident, shield) would not disappear before. Now they will vanish along with the hero when the ability is activated. 

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